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Krakatoa also had a long-term effect for possibly four or five years on sky conditions around the world because of ash projected as far as 50 miles into the atmosphere. This is similar to what happened in the Santorini eruption, but we know a great deal more about the effects of the eruption of Krakatoa because it occurred much more recently.

Both Krakatoa and Santorini are rated as a ‘6’ or above on the ‘Volcanic Explosivity Index’ which is a scientific system for rating the force of eruptions. They are considered two of the most forceful eruptions of all time. Sadly, Krakatoa also qualifies as the second most deadly volcanic eruption ever because of the deaths attributed to tsunamis that formed. Some people died of suffocation, burning, and possibly starvation, but the majority of deaths were from drowning. People held onto large pieces of pumice stone that would float like rafts in the ocean. However, many were carried out to sea and did not survive.