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image of krakatoa before and after eruption

The picture on the left is what Krakatoa looked like before the eruption in August 1883. The three islands, including the large island called “Rakata”, are part of the rim of the volcano crater. The picture on the right is what Krakatoa looked like after the eruption of August 1883. The Island of Rakata was blown apart and only a small piece of that island now remains visible.

Krakatoa Today

After almost 60 years of lying dormant, Krakatoa erupted again and produced a new mountain that has been growing at a pace of 20 feet per year. It is called “Anak Krakatoa”, or “Child of Krakatoa”. This new volcano is part of the old and also a messenger that the magma chamber of Krakatoa is still active. When the old venting path for magma is blocked with solidified lava, the magma has to find a new vent and make a new volcano.

Because recent geologic activity on the day after Christmas, 2004 caused a major tsunami in Indonesia, people all around the world are rethinking the risks of living near volcanoes and along coastal areas where tsunamis might hit. This has renewed concerns about Anak Krakatoa. Fishermen, especially, are aware that they are making their living in an area where they could easily be at risk.