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Chapter Five

Full Circle

“Hey, you kids!” shouted a deep voice. Ann Marie, Jake, Fionn, and Susan jumped some. They saw an exasperated pair of guards walking towards them. Behind the guards were museum workers carrying hammers, saws and such. “Get out of there!” the guards shouted.

Ann Marie, Jake, Fionn, and Susan, a little dazed and confused, stepped out of the exhibit. They watched as the workers took down the rope and went into the diorama. The kids waited to see if the builders would disappear, and become part of the grasslands, but they didn’t. They stayed there and slowly started to dismantle the exhibit. First, they picked up the prairie dog and put him in a box. Then, they went for the coyote.

The kids turned and walked away, this time feeling just like a team, knowing that none of them wanted to see the exhibit put away. One of the workers turned and called after them. “Hey, come back next week, the exhibit will be much better then!”