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photo of a forest fire

Still, Grass Ann Marie didn’t quite fear the fire like the animals did. She knew that the fires were part of the natural cycle, that they helped keep the land free of trees, got rid of dead grass, and made the soil better for growing. Fires were supposed to happen. Fires were also part of balancing nature.

Even though Grass Ann Marie didn’t fear the fire, she didn’t want to much be around when the blazing fire reached her and the others; and, the others felt the same way.

Prairie Dog Jake, Coyote Fionn, Buffalo Susan, and even Grass Ann Marie all had the same instinct as the flames got closer. Run! So, that’s what they did. With their first leap, whether physical in the case of Prairie Dog Jake, Coyote Fionn, and Buffalo Susan, or mental, as in the case of Grass Ann Marie, they felt themselves land not on the soft prairie, but on hard, scratchy ground. All of a sudden, they were back in the exhibit, back in the museum, and back to being the people they were that morning. They were human beings, again.