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How I Ended Up in the Boonies

I am supposed to tell the story from the beginning to the end.

So, this is how it all started. This is what I did that landed me at a camp for kids who need a little attitude adjustment.

I only meant it as a prank. You know, make the other kids laugh—lighten the day a bit, break up the boredom of ninth grade science class. My teacher, Mr. Frang, was telling us his favorite “life is hard” story. He does that whenever anyone complains about homework, or tests, or cutting up frogs. He says things like, “You guys think you have it tough doing a little homework, taking a little pop quiz? You have no idea what tough is. Try surviving in the wilderness.” Then he goes on to tell us this gross story about eating grasshoppers and grubs.

He loves that story. He says, “When I was a kid, my cousin and I got lost in the woods without any food or water. We had to survive for two days on our own. Do you think we were eating hamburgers, fries, and a Coke for lunch each day? You bet not. We ate grasshoppers and grubs and berries and leaves off trees, for the moisture, since there wasn’t any water nearby. People all over the world have survived eating bugs and berries. So, until you have to eat bugs, berries, and leaves to survive, I don’t want to hear about anyone not wanting to do their homework.”