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photo of mountains

“There are three parts to this program. We call them: Mountain Water, Running Water, and Solo on the Missouri. Each of you has to show mastery of each part of the program. Each of you has to be promoted to the next level before you can move on, and before you can go home. The key is that you all have to graduate together. So, if one of you doesn’t make it, none of you make it.”

We all looked at each other. Everybody was sizing everybody else up, trying to decide who might be a real screw up. I hate it when people look at you that way, like you might be a loser. They don’t even know you, and you’re the loser in their mind. I do the same thing to other people, or at least I used to. I know I did the same thing that day, but that doesn’t mean I don’t hate it when other people do it to me.

So, that part was pretty much a bummer.