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The others also concentrated on existing with the wind, but there was no way they could talk above the winds that howled even louder that any coyote. So, they let their animal selves take over. Buffalo Susan went back to her herd. Their great numbers helped her to stand strong against the wind. Prairie Dog Jake ducked out of the wind and went underground where he stayed in the listening room. He wanted to hear everything that happened outside. As for Coyote Fionn, he took shelter behind some rocks and waited for another unsuspecting rabbit to hop by so he could finally have lunch.

The wind continued. Ann Marie Grass felt herself being fiercely blown to and fro. She could feel her stems and blades being desiccated, dried out. She began to feel a little anxious, though she wasn’t sure why, other than of course that she was golden-green grass now turning brown, whereas this morning she had been a pretty typical teenage girl.