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photo of a prairie dog

Prairie Dog Jake sat up on his hind legs. He was all of fifteen inches tall that way. “Oversized rat! I don’t think so. Anyway, what good are you to anyone, o’ sneaky one? All that digging I do? It helps turn the nutrients in the soil so the grass Buffalo eats can grow better. And, my digging helps aerate the soil and allows water to reach deep under the ground. I’m one useful little dude. What I do helps grasses and other plants grow. And speaking of grass…”

Grass Ann Marie was enjoying being the grass. She knew that everyone needed her and she knew almost everything that was happening.

“Give it a break you guys,” said Grass Ann Marie. “In all fairness and reality, none of you are the boss of this place. Really, if you think about it, that would be me. I am the boss, head honcho, numero uno. No one here can live without me. Buffalo and prairie dogs need to eat grass to stay alive, and it doesn’t end there. Coyotes eat prairie dogs, and other animals that eat grass. So, without me you would all wither away and die. I would say that pretty much makes me the most important thing around.”