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photo of a lady bug

Buffalo Susan said, “Hey guys, isn’t this amazing! Gosh, I am big, and strong! Really, I think I might just be the biggest and strongest thing around.”

Grass Ann Marie ruffled some at that. “Uh, Susan…” she started to say, but was quickly interrupted by Buffalo Susan, who was not finished.

“Seriously, there must be a reason why we are here and why I was made the strongest and biggest of all. I mean I did study a little about The Grasslands before the trip. So, I know that Fionn might want to eat prairie dogs, and we all want to eat grass, but none of you can eat buffalo. At least, none of you can kill me. I suppose if I were dead, which will not be happening, Fionn might want a bite. But, now, while I’m alive, I could just give you one swift kick and you’d be gone.” Then Buffalo Susan said, “Speaking of swift kicks, I wonder where Jake has gone. Maybe now that he is a prairie dog, he would like to see who is really in charge of this place.”

Coyote Fionn and Grass Ann Marie did not know how to respond to this. They were used to Susan being studious and maybe a bit bossy in a shy sort of way. It seemed like being a huge buffalo was going to her head in a not so great, aggressive sort of way.