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photo of a prairie dog

Then, Jake got a feeling. It was not a good feeling. A quiver of fear went through him as he looked at Fionn, who was now a coyote. Jake heard a little warning yip from somewhere inside the mound, and it occurred to him that he was the only prairie dog around. All the others were down below.

To Jake, coyotes looked a lot like dogs. As far as he knew, dogs chased and maybe even ate rodents. It struck Jake that having a coyote, even a coyote that used to be a classmate, looking at you with his ears straight up might not be a good thing. On top of that, if the coyote happened to be a former classmate who had reasons to dislike you, well, maybe the smartest thing to do was get! “Later guys,” said Jake. And, then he ran.

As Jake scurried down the hole and into the burrow, he thought about the fact that Fionn wasn’t the only one around who might want to eat him. There had been other coyotes off in the distance, and there was that golden eagle in the sky and a badger not too far away that Jake could smell from somewhere. Their smell filled Jake with the desire to escape. “Does everyone want to eat me?” Jake thought, “Boy, what a life!!”