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The force of the volcanic eruption can also send a shock wave through oceans, pushing massive amounts of water and making big waves. These are how enormously destructive tsunamis are created.

In the case of Santorini, a major long-term change in weather, and destruction by tsunamis, probably affected the growing of crops and all kinds of other activities over a large area. It is thought that the explosion of Santorini may have even contributed to the eventual end of a major civilization on the nearby Island of Crete.

The debate about this particular eruption goes on and on. Since we don’t have records from 3,500 years ago, we don’t know the specific impact of the larger environmental effects; and, in the end, we can’t really say how many people died due to this eruption.

It’s important to realize that when people are near an erupting volcano, they can die from burning ash or lava coming down a mountain.

picture of Santorini