Tenzig Norgay at the top
of Mount Everest.
After weeks of climbing,
Hillary and Norgay could only
stay at the summit for 15
minutes, before they needed
to begin their descent.
One of the trickiest
challenges of climbing
Mount Everest is surviving
the lack of oxygen at
higher elevations. The
summit, or top, of Everest
sits 29,035 feet above
sea level. At 20,000 feet
up the mountain there is
only half as much oxygen
in the air as there is at
sea level. At the very
top there is only a third
of the oxygen that people
are used to at sea level.
By the time climbers
reach 26,000 feet, they
enter “The Death Zone.”
There is so little oxygen
at that altitude that
humans and animals
cannot survive for more
than a day or two. |