Increased Student Performance on State Assessments in Science
With nearly 1,000 teachers certified 3D-VIEW teachers across 50 states, studies include the following:
- 2009. High-fidelity Student Achievement Evaluation Study.
The vast majority of 3-D VIEW, Grade 5-6 students tested (70%+) demonstrated mastery of the 8th grade science concepts and skills as measured by standardized test items generated by the NYS Intermediate Level Science (ILS) assessment. These science concepts and skills are found across 3-D VIEW Units (Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Biosphere, Lithosphere, Earth Systems) and represent a wide range of science concepts and skills found in middle school science including scientific inquiry, biology/life science, Earth science and physical science.
--Mary Beth Wilson, Ph.D., EDU, Inc. (External Evaluation)
- 2006. 3D Study Demonstrates Increased Student Achievement.
A study performed by the Stanford University showed that students performed better on assessments about plate tectonics derived from the 3D-VIEW Lithosphere Unit, from using the 3D visualizations. Comparative student groups learning the science concepts in 2D did not perform as well.
--Paul Kim, Ph.D., Stanford University School of Education
(AERA [American Educational Research Association], 2006)